김해고등학교- 대만 동해대학교와 중등학교 교류지원

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작성자국제교류 댓글 0건 조회 1,247회 작성일 18-01-17 11:14


2013 International Educational and Cultural Exchange and

Advanced School Visit Plan

1. Purpose

(1) The program is intended to promote the more various operation of 'Autonomous Public High School' through exchange with the foreign schools.

(2) The program is intended to motivate students to improve their academic abilities by taking the opportunity of visiting the advanced schools.

(3) The program is intended to give students international experience by offering the chance of taking a field trip overseas and, by extention, to cultivate global talented people.

2. Date : From Sunday, January 19, 2014 to Wednesday, January 23, 2014

(A trip of four days and three nights)

3. The number of participants : A total number of participants is 27.

(1) 22 students who are selected among the 1st grade students

(2) 5 teachers

4. Place and Schedule : Taiwan (Detailed schedules and the places are changeable.)

(1) A campus tour to a university in Taiwan ; provided a comprehensive introduction as well as explanation

(2) A visit to a high school in Taiwan ; joint activities and culture exchange events (learning activities and experience activity tasks)

(3) Field trip to explore Taiwanese historic sites and attractions

1) Yaryu Ocean Park

2) Lungshan Temple and Taipei Martyrs' Shrine

3) Taiwan National Palace Musem

4) Chiang Kai Shek's Shilin Residence Park

5. About the ‘Gimhae high-school’

Gimhae high school is a public high school located in Gimhae, Gyeongsangnamdo, South Korea. Founded on March 11th, 1974, it is the oldest academic high school for boys. Gimhae high school has produced a total of 18,162 alumni until February, 2013. As of December, 2013, it serves 1,216 students with 97 staff and faculty. The school motto is 'Sincerity, Volunteer, Creativity', which leads to the educational objective that it brings up the competent who are devoted to learning and creating based on a sound philosophy. The symbols of the school are Ginko, F. ovata, and magpies.

Gimhae high school has been operated as an autonomous public high school designated by Ministry of Education, Science and Technology since March, 2012, and it will have been run until February, 2017. The school curriculum is run through two semesters; the first semester starts in March and ends in mid-July, and after a four-week summer break the second semester starts at the end of August and finishes in mid-February, leaving a six-week winter break. Thus, students annually attend the school for 34 weeks, studying the subjects such as Korean, Mathematics, English, Science (including Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Earth Science), Social Studies (including Korean History, East Asia History, Ethics, General Sociology, Geography), Physical Education, Music, Art, Craft and Home management, and Second Foreign Language (including Japanes and Chinese). Each class is 50 minutes long and students have 34 classes weekly. Students of Gimhae high school are given various learning opportunities which are customized to their own interests and levels. Gimhae high school help students improve their academic abilities in the "Extra Curricular Activities" and they can choose the lesson of soccer, computer, music, or art in "Specialty and Aptitude Course". Experience programs are focused on building an upright character. The programs include book-related events such as meetings with authors and literature travel, and career-related events such as meetings with professionalists, vision camp, and seminars on overview of the majors students are interested in.


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