Chairman of the Advisory Board's Greeting

To foster global talent!
Welcome to the website of the International Exchange Support Center.

How are you?
We sincerely welcome you to the website of the International Exchange Support Center.
I'm Shi Tae Bong, chairman of the advisory committee.

The Center for International Exchange and Support established in December 2009 (CEO Jeong Jin-hae) is an international youth robot competition. Korea, China, Japan, elementary, middle, and high school students have served as stepping stones for cultural exchange..

It is a specialized institution for non-profit exchange projects established to strengthen the international competitiveness of teenagers by creating a community where foreigners communicate with each other and live together in the global era. Youth Global School, Globalized Citizen Training Program. CEO training, I will try to become a global family by informing foreigners of Korean culture.

In the future, we will do our best to foster talented people who will lead the global era by promoting international exchanges to live up to the international society and discover continuous projects.

Thank you and thank you.

Advisory Committee Chairman of the IESCShi Tae Bong

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