Greetings from the Public Relations Ambassador

To foster global talent!
Welcome to the website of the International Exchange Support Center.

How are you?
I'm Chaerin Seo, a public relations ambassador.

We are trying to promote the excellence and beauty of the K-Culture center, the daily life of hanbok, and the globalization of hanbok, and take pride as a hanbok model It aims to inherit and develop the beauty of hanbok through talent donation. In order to globalize the excellence of hanbok, the "eight beauty" formative beauty, form beauty, creative beauty, harmony meaning, color meaning, natural beauty, blank beauty, and personality beauty of hanbok are considered to be globalized We would like to make efforts to inform the world of the excellence of hanbok.

In addition, we will not stay in Korea but actively promote cultural exchanges with countries around the world to promote Hanbok, Korea's unique clothing. The International Exchange Support Center will do its best to promote the beauty of traditional hanbok by gathering the fruits of small efforts as one light, and the Korea Hanbok Model Association and the International Exchange Support Center I will be a pioneer leading the globalization of hanbok.

Thank you and thank you.

Greetings from the Public Relations
Ambassador of the IESC
Chaerin Seo

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